LTF Pocket-Filter

The LTF pocket filter is a universal filter for cleaning small to medium air-volumes. The ratio of filter surface to the housing volume is extremely favorable. The space is used optimally. It is the perfect solution for small places.


The pocket filters of the LTF/m series come with an ex-center-vibrator for discontinuous use. Surfaces of up to 45 square meters have been built. The cleaning is done while the filter is idle.

The LTF Pocket Filter is a compact de-dusting plant with a fully automatic reverse pulse cleaning system. The housing is constructed of different chambers. Individual chambers can be combined to larger units depending on the air-volume. Each chamber consists of the housing and the cleaning unit. The chambers are 600 mm to 1500 mm wide. Several pockets can be arranged on top of each other. Surfaces of 750 square meters have been achieved so far.